
WestdaleInfant School

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Our Reading Scheme

Our Reading Scheme 


We use the Big Cat Collins Scheme for reading and all books are matched to the child’s phonics ability. Children also receive a book of choice that can be above or below their reading level, to take home and share. We also use a Dandelion Readers scheme which looks at very specific sounds, to address gas that children might need filling. This is to help children make more rapid progress. We use the book band system to level reading books and children are expected to know which colour book band they are on. Teachers will assess children before they move up a book band.  

Books are changed by teachers when they read with children. Children who read at Turquoise or above are  encouraged to change books as many times as they like as by this time we feel children are more fluent readers and no longer need books matching to phonic ability. Books from home are also encouraged alongside reading books and children are not limited just to their reading book for class dojo reads. Children are encouraged as they get older and given set times to change books. 

Book Band Levels
