Religious Education Intent
Our curriculum offer for R.E. is unique to our school. One of main curriculum drivers is ‘difference’ alongside our other drivers which are communication, creativity and kindness. There is not a National Curriculum for R.E., all maintained schools must follow the National Curriculum requirements to teach a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes R.E. All maintained schools therefore have a statutory duty to teach R.E. Our curriculum is based on the Nottinghamshire R.E. syllabus.
Our vision is to provide our children with the key skills, knowledge and vocabulary motivated by our drivers. We want to embed this through a high quality, challenging curriculum with diverse learning opportunities.
We want children at Westdale to have the opportunity to experience a rich and broad cultural capital.
We want children children to feel inspired to reflect on their own unique beliefs, ask questions and explore the beliefs of everyone in the school community as well as in the wider community and the world itself. We will ensure the children have the confidence to ask questions and develop respect and open-mindedness towards people of all faiths and none.
Please look through our sub headings to discover more about R.E. at Westdale.