
WestdaleInfant School

A happy community where magical things happen…

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Equality Statement

The staff and governors at Westdale Infant School have an unwavering commitment to the success of every pupil.  The purpose of Westdale Infants School's equality statement is to show how the school promotes equality of opportunity for and between diverse members of the school community.


In order to meet this duty the school will:

  • establish with all staff an overall vision of the duty to promote equality of opportunity to all
  • advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between disabled and non-disabled people, women and men, and between different racial and minority ethnic groups
  • eliminate discrimination, harassment or victimisation on the grounds of disability, gender, race or ethnicity


Responsiblities of the school's Leadership Team to meet the duty:

  • raise awareness through training for all staff and governors, and through promoting the Equality Statement to all parents and pupils
  • Ensure that all policies and practices within the school are impact assessed against the aims above
  • monitor, report and act on any incidents of discrimination, harassment or victimisation
  • provide appropriate resources and a curriculum that promotes good relations and understanding of equality and diversity