Welcome to the SEND information page of our website.
Here, you will find information about the provision we offer to children who may have special educational or additional needs and those who may have a disability. Our SENDCo is Mrs Rebecca Lewis.
All staff at Westdale Infant School are committed to providing a curriculum that is broad, balanced and inclusive and provide children with opportunities to achieve in all areas, both academically and personally. We are committed to providing children with the skills they need, no matter how diverse they may be, to live fulfilled lives as adults in our society.
We make the curriculum accessible for children with special educational needs or disabilities through a variety of ways, as outlined in the SEND information report.
Staff believe that by working together (staff, parents, pupils and other professionals) many barriers can be overcome.
The school follows a complaint procedure and this will be followed for any SEND complaints.
If you have a query or complaint regarding your child and their special educational need please initially talk to the class teacher. This query will then be discussed and resolved or passed on to the SENDCO.
If you feel this issue has not been dealt with sufficiently or you still need further advice please inform the Co Headteachers.
SEND Local Offer
The SEND Local Offer aims to bring together helpful and useful information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. It is a comprehensive guide to services and support all in one place.
Please watch this video to find out more.
Useful Links