
WestdaleInfant School

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Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium funding was introduced in April 2011.  It is a sum of money allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years.  It is also allocated to pupils whose parents or carers are in receipt of certain low income benefits or tax credits.  Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months and for children of service personnel.  


The aim of the Pupil Premium is to raise attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities, to close the gaps between them and their peers and to improve the academic outcomes of disadvantaged pupils. 

Using the Pupil Premium Funding Effectively 

Schools are accountable for Pupil Premium and are required to publish a Pupil Premium statement online detailing how these monies are spent, the rationale behind the spending and its impact.  Guidance for the school by the DfE makes clear recommendations about how schools can make best use of their funding.  In line with evidence, the DfE make it clear that '...there is no expectation that schools should spend the grant only on eligible pupils, or on a per eligible pupil basis. When taking decisions on how to spend the grant we strongly encourage school leaders to consider evidence on what will have the most impact for their pupils.'


Some of the most effective spending has been proven to be on whole school strategies, including improving the quality of teaching, which have the potential to impact positively on all pupils.  


At Westdale we use the Pupil Premium Strategy to detail how the Pupil Premium Funding is allocated and spent.  It is reviewed every year to respond to different cohorts and to show impact.  This document is published on our school website.   In addition to this the school demonstrates its accountability by reporting to the Governing Body each term on the impact and effectiveness of the pupil premium use.  


How we use the Pupil Premium Funding to raise attainment at Westdale

At Westdale our Pupil Premium Lead is Rebecca Lewis, who is also Sendco and Co Headteacher.

At Westdale we use the Pupil Premium Funding in a tiered approach;


  • To support training and continuous development to improve the quality of all teaching.
  • To support whole school strategies to improve attendance, behaviour and readiness to learn. 
  • Targeted support for disadvantaged pupils through evidence based interventions based on the individual needs of that child.  

Please read the information documents below which details how we allocate funding and our offer to Pupil Premium children detailed in our Pupil Premium Charter. 



Our Pupil Premium Offer


Pupil Premium Strategy 2021 2022

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021 2022 with review of impact

Westdale Infant School Pupil Premium Strategy 2020 2021 and review
