
WestdaleInfant School

A happy community where magical things happen…

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope that this page might answer any questions that you have about our school. If there is anything that we haven't answered please speak to our office.


Q1. How does my child get a place at Westdale?

If you would like to apply for a full time place in F2 for a September start or a full-time place in any other year group please contact Notts County Council Admissions but you are welcome to make an appointment to look around the school with Mrs Estell or Mrs Lewis.


Q2. How do I book into Westdale Wraparound care?

Wraparound care can be booked used via the  Parentmail app under the accounts sections when paying by card. if you would like to pay by child care vouchers or tax free childcare please contact the office to email you a parent form. For further information, please see the Wraparound Care' section under 'Parents' Information'.


Q3. Are there opportunities for the children to go on residential visits whilst at Westdale?

Yes, children from Y2 get the opportunity to go to Perlethorpe in the Summer term each year, camping away from home for one night! 


Q4. Does my child need to wear school uniform at Westdale?

We recommend a school uniform which is outlined in the school prospectus and on the website.


Q5 Will my child receive home learning whilst at Westdale?

Yes your child will receive home learning and it is important that you as parents and carers support your child with this as much as you can. We encourage all children to regularly read and practise spellings at home. Teacher will organise sessions to support parents and these usually take place at the beginning of each academic year. We have started using Teams and One note to provide some home learning and remote learning.


Q6 Will I receive regular updates on how my child is doing at school?

Yes- teachers will contact you directly if there is something that they need to discuss with you and formal parent interviews regarding pupil progress are arranged during the Autumn & Spring terms with a school report at the end of the academic year.
