
WestdaleInfant School

A happy community where magical things happen…

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Attendance at Westdale

Current Attendance


School attendance from Monday 22nd July to Friday 26th July was 96.37% 


2023-2024 year = 96.1% (26.07.24)


Our target is 97%!

Meet Super Bea!

Super Bea is our Attendance Mascot!


Super Bea stands for Be Excellent Attenders and to show school is a really good place to 'be'!


Bea comes to see us in assembly and is on the school gate during our 'Early Bea' weeks. Bea loves welcoming children to school.


Super Bea loves to see the children in school and on time every day!


Please read our Attendance Policy under the 'Policies' section of the website for more information on attendance at Westdale. 


Attendance Leaflet

Absence - Illness Guidelines
