Address: Westdale Infant School
Digby Avenue/Westdale Lane
Opening Hours
School starts at 8.50am and the school day ends at 3.15pm
School Office Contact Number: 01159 531606
Email Address:
Please direct any enquiries to Miss Laura Hoult - School Business Manager
Headteacher: Mrs Rebecca Lewis
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Suzy Sawford
Chair of Governors: Mr John Smith
Special Needs Education Coordinator: Mrs Rebecca Lewis (please contact via the school office)
School Administrators: Mrs Rachel Glover and Mrs Lucy Adams
Wraparound Care: Supervisor - Mrs Sarah Burgin
We have a communication system for parents which is ParentMail. This is a one way messaging service.
Parents can sign up by contacting the school office. All of our communications will be sent via ParentMail. If you require any paper copies of anything on the website or other policies, please contact the school office.