
WestdaleInfant School

A happy community where magical things happen…

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Sports Day 2021

Sports Day 2021


On Wednesday 14th July we held our Sports Day and what a brilliant day we had!


All the children took part in their bubbles with great enthusiasm and every single one of them tried their hardest.  We were all incredibly proud.

Activities included egg and spoon race, football dribbling, obstacle courses, distance throwing and many more.  We were very impressed by the range of skills, determination and competitive spirit that the children showed.


The scores were incredibly close, but the final results were as follows:


4th place Team Air

3rd place Team Water

2nd place Team Earth

1st place Team Fire


Congratulations Team Fire. You are Sports Days winners for 2021!


Well done to all the children for showing excellent sportsmanship throughout.

Also, a big thank you to all the staff for their wonderful support and a special thanks to Mr Peat who we couldn't have managed without!


Mrs Humphris


