
WestdaleInfant School

A happy community where magical things happen…

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Co-op Funding Success!


Mrs Estell received a cheque for some for the sum of £6747.91 from the Co-op Mapperley on Saturday morning. This was from a bid we had made the previous year to improve the school grounds with funds raised from donations made when customers make purchases with a membership card in store.  Some of this has already been spent on our pond area, with the orchard area next on the list to improve. The children have repeatedly requested for extra monkey bars on the playground so we hope to now be able to fulfil their wish! Thank you so much if you supported us and thank you also to the Co-op as this fund will make a real difference to our children.

It's also not too late to support us for this year's bid! All you need to do, if you are a Co-op membership card holder, is simply select us as your preferred charity. Every time you spend in store 1% of your purchase will come to school.
Thank you for your continued support!